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This is an important contribution to the literature as mediate when it is cooperation in an action that in some manner prepares the way for the evil act or aids in its execution.5 In addition, mediate material cooperation is called proximate if the cooperator’s act is close in causal terms to the act of the principal agent and remote if causally distant from the principal agent’s act. AN EXAMPLE 2021-02-08 2018-07-31 Background: Prenatal exposure to environmental adversities, including maternal overweight/obesity, diabetes/hypertensive disorders, or mood/anxiety disorders, increases the risk for adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in children. However, the underlying biological mechanisms remain elusive. We tested whether maternal antenatal inflammation was associated with the number of … A multiple regression model indicated that the combined effect of CS, STS, and mindful self-care explained 73.7% of the variance in Burnout. Mindful self-care and STS mediated a relationship between CS and Burnout. Each self-care category was statistically significant protective factors … Abstract.