Frölistan 2013 - doczz


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One of our customers tells us how it well does under the trees in dry shade and we grow it in the dry end of our shade garden. Primula kisoana, commonly called hardy primrose, is an herbaceous perennial that is primarily grown for its deep rose to rose mauve flowers which bloom in spring above a mat of thick, wrinkled, orbicular-cordate, basal leaves. Both the foliage and the flowering stems have prominent downy white hairs. Primula kisoana alba A rare species with wonderful white flowers that rise above the large felty mid green foliage in late spring. Rarely offered in Australia, Primula kisoana ‘alba’ is not difficult to grow. Reaching around 25 cm high in full flower, you may even get a second flush of flowers in late summer in cooler positions. If you’ve tried and failed with primroses, then you haven’t met Primula kisoana yet.

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vol 54, no. 1. (1986) p 61 Mar 2, 2016 - Posts about Primula kisoana ‘Alba’ written by Carolyn @ Carolyns Shade Gardens Primula kisoana 'Alba' Primula kisoana 'Alba' Scientific Name: Primula L. (Primulaceae) kisoana Miq. 'Alba' Nursery Availability 1 - 3 of 3. 3 Search Results. Send by email Printer-friendly version. Retail; Nursery Name City State / Province ; Edelweiss Perennials: Canby : Oregon : … var.

:(152) 69 Agastache foeniculum 'Alba':(69) 72 Ageratina altissima : syn. :(406) 1570 Primula denticulata :(190,236,318,323) 1573 elatior :(flera) 1574 elatior '​Alba':(18,404,416) 1583 japonica 'Postford White':(flera) 1584 kisoana :(319)  PolygonumPolygonaceae viviparum officinalis 'Alba' Boraginaceae aconitifolia Primula Primula Primula Primula Primula Primula Primula Primula Pritzelago Crimson' japonica 'Postford White' kisoana luteola mistassinica muscarioides  PolygonumPolygonaceae viviparum ofcinalis 'Alba' Boraginaceae aconitfolia 1558 Primula 1559 Primula 1560 Primula 1561 Primula 1562 Primula 1563 '​Miller's Crimson' Primulaceae japonica 'Postord White' Primulaceae kisoana  Leucosyke alba är en nässelväxtart som först beskrevs av Carl Ludwig von Blume, Primula kisoana är en viveväxtart som beskrevs av Friedrich Anton Wilhelm  Detta tillhandahålls; Auricula Hybrids; Primula Hybrider. AMERIKANSKA kisoana alba x kisoana (rosa) HPkisoana (rosa) x kisoana alba HP [9] latisecta HP 225/65r17 price · Hydrafacial örebro · Dymista nässpray kortison · Primula kisoana alba · Till Restaurang 2019 Vad. Copyright © dickinsonite.cricketonline.​site  A. alba (flera) pachypoda 'Misty Blue':(347) rubra :(49,95,171) rubra f.

Frölista 2014 med Svenska namn och växtfamiljer

Primula kisoana alba A rare species with wonderful white flowers that rise above the large felty mid green foliage in late spring. Rarely offered in Australia, Primula kisoana ‘alba’ is not difficult to grow. Reaching around 25 cm high in full flower, you may even get a second flush of flowers in late summer in cooler positions. Primula kisoana is a rhizomatous, Japanese species primrose with rose pink flowers in early spring and large fuzzy green leaves.

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Easy in moist woodland. Primula kisoana Alba. Price: £6.50 Large felted soft green leaves and pure white flowers in spring. More Details. Primula kisoana Iyobeni. Price: £8.50 A strong pink/red flowered form with soft felty leaves. More Details.

The white flowers are over an inch across arranged in umbels of several blooms. The plant spreads by underground runners. Easy in moist woodland.
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Primula kisoana v. shikokiana f.

alba · Primula Primula fasciculata; Primula florindae; Primula forbesii; Primula glaberscens  27 Feb 2020 Easy to cultivate, they can be propagated by seed or division as the leaves emerge in the spring.
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Compare with these primulas. Copyright Pam Eveleigh ©2003  Photographs of Primula Species and their key identifying features. Primula kisoana. Click to see: kisoanaOM1 · Click to see: kisoanaOM2 · Click to see:  Of the 425 or so species of primroses, only four make good indoor plants. English primrose (Primula polyantha), fairy primrose (Primula malacoides) and  Mar 18, 2016 - Explore Shoot Limited's board "Primula", followed by 5874 people on Pinterest.