Using BioMart HT 2016 appbio16 KTH
TRAF6 function as a novel co-regulator of Wnt3a target genes
· CDD Search. Conserved Domain Database Search @ NCBI . Meanwhile, a variety of protein domain databases have been constructed that allow for the classification of protein sequence and structure and enable the transfer Jul 29, 2010 In our investigation, we found that protein domain databases contain many domain models with transmembrane regions and signal peptides, Detect structural and functional domains in protein sequences. CDD -- Conserved Domain Database.
This database and its member databases are described below. 2018-10-24 Browse the database of all available domains in the SMART database; Download domain descriptions in tab delimited plain text; metaSMART. metaSMART is a novel integral part of SMART, dedicated to the exploration of protein domains and domain architectures in various metagenomics datasets. At the moment, the following datasets are publicly available through metaSMART: 2021-01-01 BTB Domain Database: This database catalogs BTB proteins found in 17 fully sequenced eukaryotic genomes.
Protein Database UniPro - protein knowledge database Swiss 2DPAGE - 2D PAGE Pfam - protein family and domain Prosite - protein family and domain SMART - protein module BLOCK - protein conserved regions 6. The Pfam database is one the most important collections of information in the world for classifying proteins.
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute RNA-Seq Analysis of
"Weak" means few contacts and few chain cross-overs. 2013-04-22 CDD. A Conserved Domain Database and Search Service. DOMO.
Clinical potential of the mTOR effectors S6K1 - CiteSeerX
As a member of the wwPDB, the RCSB PDB curates and annotates PDB data. The Conserved Domain Database (CDD) is a freely available resource for the annotation of sequences with the locations of conserved protein domain foot-prints, as well as functional sites and motifs inferred from these footprints. It includes protein domain and protein family models curated in house by The complete list of genomes in Genomic SMART is available here. The protein database in Normal SMART has significant redundancy, even though identical proteins are removed. If you use SMART to explore domain architectures, or want to find exact domain counts in various genomes, consider switching to Genomic mode. The Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) database is a largely manual classification of protein structural domains based on similarities of their structures and amino acid sequences.A motivation for this classification is to determine the evolutionary relationship between proteins. Proteins with the same shapes but having little sequence or functional similarity are placed in different 2020-11-06 DOMINE is a database of known and predicted protein domain (domain-domain) interactions.
DOMINE is a database of known and predicted protein domain (domain-domain) interactions.
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Sequence archive.
The sequence reads have been deposited in the SRA database at
av M Goto · 2005 · Citerat av 53 — The core of the NADPH binding domain consists of a seven-stranded was used to search the Protein Data Bank data base for enzymes
The peroxidases and oxidases database The peroxidases and oxidases database. Toggle navigation. Home; Analysis from RedoxiBase; Analysis from Input
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Browse the database of all available domains in the SMART database; Download domain descriptions in tab delimited plain text; metaSMART. metaSMART is a novel integral part of SMART, dedicated to the exploration of protein domains and domain architectures in various metagenomics datasets. The InterPro database ( provides an integrative classification of protein sequences into families, and identifies functionally important domains and conserved sites. InterProScan is the underlying software that allows protein and nucleic acid sequences to be searched against InterPro's signatures. Protein domain superfamilies in CATH-Gene3D have been subclassified into functional families (or FunFams), which are groups of protein sequences and structures with a high probability of sharing the same function(s). Therefore, the functionally important residues in a family are also expected to be highly conserved.