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Welcome to the official page of Seka Aleksic! Seka, Actress: Careful, He May Be Watching. Seka was born on April 15, 1954 in Radford, Virginia, USA as Dorothiea Hundley. She is an actress and writer.

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Total popularity of the set of hashtags — 609,268 #sekainoowari #sekaiichihatsukoi #sekadau #seka #sekavines #sekaaleksic #sekadauhits #sekawanurbex #sekaiyeol #sekaiwakoiniochiteiru #sekačka #sekainosenshi #sekaigrprc #sekaideichibanaishitahito #sekača #sekacvbulharske #sekan #sekawanprojectjogja #sekaboutique #şekayık #şekayik #sekai # 2021-03-20 · Seka Aleksić - On je čovek koji degustira vino, voli da popije vino. Napio se par puta u životu, i ja isto. Neke privatne žurke kod nas kući, pevaju se dvojke raznorazne, tu je Adil, tu je Slađa - navela je Aleksićeva.

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Seka, Actress: Careful, He May Be Watching. Seka was born on April 15, 1954 in Radford, Virginia, USA as Dorothiea Hundley. She is an actress and writer. She was previously married to Patrick Connelly, Ken Yontz and Frank Patton.

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She was previously married to Patrick Connelly, Ken Yontz and Frank Patton. Seka_photographer, ‎الإسكندرية‎. 290 likes · 7 talking about this.