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Up to 2 units: FG-200B, FG-200D, FG-240D The FortiGate 300D delivers next generation firewall capabilities for mid-sized to large enterprises, with the flexibility to be deployed at the campus or enterprise branch. Protects against cyber threats with security processor powered high performance, security efficacy and deep visibility.
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You can use the following get command to display the FortiGate 300D NP6 configuration. The command output shows one NP6 named NP6_0 and the interfaces (ports) connected to it. The FortiGate 900D appliance delivers superior performance through a combination of purpose-built FortiASIC™ processors, high port density with 10 GE ports and consolidated security features from the FortiOS™ operating system.
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Fully Pre-Configured and Supported by Lambda Marine The FG-300D can be supplied fully pre-configured by Lambda Marine for your onboard Admin, Crew and Guest LAN Networks and VSAT/Inmarsat, 3G/4G and WiFi WAN Networks. 2 days ago · Template SNMP Fortigate 300D. Este template foi homologado para Firewall Fortigate 300D , caso queira acrescentar mais informações fiquem a vontade , apos este , por gentileza inserir novamente no share do zabbix. # Este template Monitora: 1- Disponibilidade, 2- Latencia, 3- Perda d 2020-10-20 · Download Fortinet FortiGate 300D device template by clicking on the download link above.
21 nov. 2019 — Access FortiGate via CLI and run these commands (make sure that the issue is occurring when these commands are running):.
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FortiGate 300D fast path architecture. The FortiGate 300D includes one NP6 processor connected to four 1Gb RJ-45 Ethernet ports (port1-4) and four 1Gb SFP interfaces (port5-port8). You can use the following get command to display the FortiGate 300D NP6 configuration.
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Use this comprehensive product comparison tool to select various hardware models based on technical specs and criteria. Print or save the results to get a price quote. How to login to Fortinet 300D An overview of Fortinet's support and service programs. More>> Premium RMA Our Premium RMA program ensures the swift replacement of defective hardware, FC-10-00305-874-02-12 FortiGate-300D Enterprise Protection (8x5 FortiCare plus Application Control, IPS, AV, Web Filtering, Antispam, FortiSandbox Cloud, FortiCASB, Industrial Security and Security Rating) FG-300E-BDL-950-12 FortiGate-300E Hardware plus 24x7 FortiCare and FortiGuard Unified Threat Protection (UTP) Fortinet FortiADC-300D. Application Delivery Controller - 4 x GE RJ45 ports, 4 x SFP GE ports, 1 x 128GB SSD storage. #FAD-300D List Price: $11,494.25 Our Price FortiGate 300D Datasheet em PDF. Alto desempenho UTM para Empresas de Médio Porte, Filiais com Redes Conectadas e Wireless. O FortiGate 300D fornece Firewall UTM de Alto Desempenho para Empresas de Médio Porte, Filiais e Escritórios Conectados, e Redes Wireless, com Antivírus, AntiSpam, WebFilter, Application Control, VPN IPSec e SSL-VPN, prevenção de intrusão (IPS), anti-malware FortiGate 300D FG-300D 6x GE RJ45 ports, 4x GE SFP slots, FortiASIC NP6 and CP8 hardware accelerated, 120 GB onboard storage.