Robur Latin - Music Anova


Best Ein Leben Nach Dem To De—Robur Latin

Charlton T. Lewis, Ph.D. and. Charles Short, LL.D. Oxford. Clarendon Press.

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Frasi ed esempi di traduzione: farnia, from old oak, potenza e forza, quercia gentile, forza e coraggio. Dizionario Latino-Italiano. rōbŭr. [rōbŭr], roboris. sostantivo neutro III declinazione.

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Best Ein Leben Nach Dem To De—Robur Latin

robur translation in Latin-Greek dictionary. Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Con puoi tradurre parole dal latino all'italiano e viceversa.


An oak tree; specifically (more fully "robur oak") the common or pedunculate oak, Quercus robur. Origin Early 17th century; earliest use found in Philemon Holland (1552–1637), translator.

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Frasi ed esempi di traduzione: farnia, from old oak, potenza e forza, quercia gentile, forza e coraggio.

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Robur Latin - Music Anova

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