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assimilates. 40447. manhandles. 40448. overawed 45248.

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antonyms. 45249. shrieked. 45250. oversees 50756. assimilation. 50757.

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English - Swedish Translator. Motsatsord till assimilera på — Ta reda på vad motsatsen är till assimilera och i vilka sammanhang antonymerna används. Här hittar du synonymer och antonymer (motsatsord) till Assimilation. En synonym till en fras har samma betydelse eller en likvärdig betydelse. - Synonymertill -

Antonyms: dissimilate Antonyms. There are 1 words that have the opposite meaning of assimilate. Antonym Definition; Dissimilate: become dissimilar or less similar "These two related tribes of people gradually dissimilated over time" Antonyms of assimilate . contrast: : to set off in contrast : compare or appraise in respect to differences Contrast European and American manners. Contrast the two major characters of the novel. — often used with to or with contrasting the painter with her contemporaries .

Antonyms for assimilation include disbanding, dissolution, division, parting, separation, split, dialysis, bifurcation, breakup and partition. Find more opposite assimilate to; baptize; be born again; bend; bias; brainwash; bring; bring around; budge; cause to adopt; change into; change of heart; convince; create anew; impel; incline; lead; lead to believe; make over; move; persuade; proselyte; proselytize; redeem; reform; regenerate; save; see the light; sway; turn Find 44 ways to say ASSIMILATING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. DICTIONARY.COM THESAURUS.COM Synonyms & Antonyms for assimilate. Synonyms: Verb.
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Antonyms for. Assimilate. Hold to adjust.
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Motsatsen till assimilera - Motsatsordbok

verb. Assimilate (connotation). Antonyms for assimilate. absorb mentally: overlook, reject, mistake, unlearn, misunderstand, exclude, misinterpret. become adjusted; adjust:.