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We identify material issues resulting from our activities and Lundin Petroleum publishes the Annual Report and the Sustainability Report for 2019 4 March 2020 Lundin Petroleum AB (Lundin Petroleum) is pleased to announce the publication of the Annual Report and the Sustainability Report for 2019. Sustainability Report 2019 Participant. Lundin Energy AB; Published. 2020/04/03 Time period. January 2019 – December 2019 Files. Lundin_Petroleum__Sustainability_Report_2019.pdf (English) The Sustainability Report provides comprehensive information on Lundin Petroleum’s management and performance on climate change and other sustainability matters. Both reports are available to download on
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Lundin Petroleum officials to be questioned on possible complicity in Sudan war crimes Date: 15 Nov 2016 Content Type: Article; Lundin Petroleum releases sustainability report promoting rights of stakeholders & climate change mitigation Date: 31 May 2016 Content Type: Article; Load more View less Whistleblower Policy. Introduction. 1. Lundin Gold Inc. (Lundin Gold or the Company) is committed to the highest standards of openness, honesty and accountability as outlined in the Company’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the Code).. 1.2 The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company has established these procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints He currently servers on the board of directors of four other public mining and oil and gas companies.
January 2017 – December 2017 Files. Sustainability_Report_2017.pdf (English) Format. Stand alone document; Differentiation Level This COP qualifies for the Global Compact Active level Self-assessment RECENT POSTS.
SOFT LAUNCH. ISINs valid from October 9, 2009 for CCP
Lundin Petroleum AB (Lundin Petroleum) is pleased to announce the release of its Sustainability Report 2016. The 2016 Sustainability Report is the second report published in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Guidelines. Alex Schneiter, President & CEO of Lundin Petroleum comments: “I am very pleased to share with you The reports are available to read and to download on Lundin Petroleum’s website,, and on the Lundin Petroleum IR App. Shareholders who wish to receive a printed copy of the Annual Report 2019 or the Sustainability Report 2019 can request one on Lundin Petroleum’s website or by telephone on +46 8 440 54 50.
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you are consenting to receive communications from Lundin Gold and CNW/Cision. Lundin Petroleum officials to be questioned on possible complicity in Sudan war crimes Date: 15 Nov 2016 Content Type: Article; Lundin Petroleum releases sustainability report promoting rights of stakeholders & climate change mitigation Date: 31 May 2016 Content Type: Article; Load more View less Lundin Petroleum AB (Lundin Petroleum) has published the report on payments made to governments by Lundin Petroleum and its subsidiaries during the year 2019. T As a leading independent oil and gas company in Europe, Lundin Petroleum develops its resources efficiently and responsibly, playing its part in achieving a Lundin Petroleum AB (Lundin Petroleum) publicerar årsredovisning och hållbarhetsrapport för 2019. Rapporterna finns att läsa och ladda ner på Lundin Petroleums hemsida,, och på Lundin Petroleums IR App. Aktieägare som önskar få ett tryckt exemplar av 2019 års årsredovisning eller Lundin Energy develops oil and gas resources in Norway efficiently and responsibly for a sustainable, low-carbon future. In partnership with the Foundation, Lundin Energy makes impact investments in early-stage, scalable start-ups that address climate change, renewable energies and marine and ocean health. Lundin Gold recognizes that good corporate governance is a fundamental ingredient to the long-term growth of a successful company.
Lundin Petroleum 2020 Capital Markets Day heading “Risks and Risk Management” and elsewhere in Lundin Petroleum's annual report. 03/31 · Årsstämma i Lundin Petroleum AB (Lundin Petroleum eller Sustainability Report Click for
Rebecca Gordon. VP Corporate Planning and Investor Relations Tel:+41 22 595 10 50. E-mail:
Lundin Petroleum) specializes in oil and natural gas exploration and production. Home; Contact; Español; Covid-19 2019 Sustainability Report Recent News. SNS Sustainability Roundtable är en mötesplats för kunskapsinhämtning och vid ett möte med Michael Meehan, vd för Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Christine Batruch, Vice President Corporate Responsibility at Lundin Petroleum
De aktier bland de 30 största bolagen som har gått bäst – Lundin Petroleum, Boliden och Nordnet publishes Annual and Sustainability Report for 2020.
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Lundin Petroleum Sustainability Report 2015. Issuu company logo. Close.
Lundin Petroleum Sustainability Report 2015.
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Both reports are available to download on