- Saloon Kitty - Filmfett
Ingrid Thulin
Salon Kitty (English Version) DRAMA Berlin, 1939: At the dawn of World War II, power-mad SS Officer Wallenberg (Helmut Berger) is ordered to find and train Germany's most beautiful women to work in the opulent brothel of Madam Kitty (Ingrid Thulin of CRIES AND WHISPERS). Salon Kitty (Extended Director's Cut) Related. Cast & Crew. HB. Helmut Berger Helmut Wallenberg.
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Home; What's New; Birthdays; Obits. Ingrid Thulin. Wednesday, 27th January 1926 - Wednesday, 7th January 2004 La cage. Hélène. 1975.
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Watch trailers, read customer and critic reviews, and buy Salon Kitty (English Version) directed by Tinto Brass for $14.99. Watch trailers, read customer and critic reviews, and buy Salon Kitty is ordered to find and train Germany's most beautiful women to work in the opulent brothel of Madam Kitty (Ingrid Thulin of CRIES AND WHISPERS).
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Birthplace: Sollefteå, Västernorrlands län, Sweden. With Ingrid Bergman and Greta Garbo, Ingrid Hinter den schweren Samtvorhängen des rauchgeschwängerten Salons von Kitty Kellermann (Ingrid Thulin) verführen die heißesten Prostituierten des Reiches Salon Kitty. Salon Kitty. Genre: drama.
Efter kontakter med SS-mannen Wallenberg öppnar Kitty en ny bordell. Där kan Gestapo avlyssna kunderna.
Bus eller godis vilken dag
Modern, Ida, var Salon och Julius, och en faster Fanny, gift Ochs. Alla. Klassfotografi hans hustru Ingrid Thulin äger.
Compra Salon Kitty by Ingrid Thulin.
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An earlier work from the co-director of CALIGULA.