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Arkiveringsdatum 190703: Medelhavet/ UN Human Rights Office urges EU States to ECRE: UN Security Council places sanctions on human traffickers in Libya of refugees also raise concerns regarding returns to Algeria, Egypt, Morocco,  Arkiveringsdatum 191214: Carrier sanctions and the conflicting legal obligations The European Union is externalizing its borders, but migrants and refugees have of combined primary field research conducted in Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco,  e.g. Kyoto-protocol, EU:s Framework. Directives, Convention on Biological. Diversity sanctions and reputations -> requires repeated interactions, restricting the. 20 nov. 2019 — Israeli-Palestinian peace, in Cairo, Egypt April 21, 2019. (AP).

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Egypt suffered years of instability in the wake of Mubarak’s ouster. 2 dagar sedan · EU sanctions 8 Iranian security officials over 2019 protests amid Vienna talks Egypt seizes megaship that blocked Suez Canal, demands nearly $1b compensation. By AFP. COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) No 270/2011 of 21 March 2011 concerning restrictive measures directed against certain persons, entities and bodies in view of the situation in Egypt THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 215(2) thereof, EU member countries imposed the sanctions on Mubarak and his family in March 2011 based on lawsuits filed against them in Egypt for alleged embezzlement of state funds. Mubarak and his family had challenged the punitive measures in court.

Identifying information  12 Dec 2018 An EU court has rejected a bid by Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak to lift a freeze on his assets in Europe that followed his ouster in the  8 Aug 2019 The General Court struck down the EU's sanctions against Egypt and Ukraine who were suspected of misappropriating public funds and lost  23 Sep 2020 The EU Sectoral Sanctions include restrictions on lending to and access to capital for certain Russian banks and companies operating in the oil  29 Aug 2020 Borrell was speaking after EU foreign ministers met in Berlin to discuss support for Greece after it ratified a maritime accord with Egypt to  9 Mar 2019 The principal obstacle with the Tunisia, Egypt and. Ukraine cases was legal challenges to the sanctions in. front of European courts, which  4 Feb 2020 Egypt's president al-Sisi intensifies crackdowns on dissent and fails to improve Donald Trump place sanctions on specific Egyptian government officials.

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The EU has extended sanctions on Egypt for 1 year until 22 March 2020. These measures continue to impose asset freezes and travel bans on individuals including the former President of Egypt, Mohamed Hosni Elsayed Mubarak, his family and other officials. UK Sanctions (Egypt) & UK Sanctions Norway Brussels, 31 March 2011 - Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries with the Council Decision 2011/172/CFSP concerning restrictive measures directed against certain persons, entities and bodies in view of the situation in Egypt - More information on the EU Third Countries alignment page. Financial sanctions, Egypt From 23.00 on 31 December 2020, this regime is no longer in force.


At least 32 killed in Egypt train crash.

4 The lifting of punitive measures allows EU businesses to trade with Egypt without fear of falling foul of sanctions regulations.
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Phone: 00202 His fields of research include Islamophobia in Europe, far-right Impose sanctions on companies and public institutions that violate the Discrim-.

In spite of their colloquial name ‘sanctions’, EU restrictive measures are not punitive. They are intended to bring about a In fact, legally, the final decision about sanctions belongs to the Council, but it was very important to have the political support of the Commission on that issue. It was in particular helpful that President Von der Leyen made an explicit reference to the new sanctions regime during her … 2021-03-15 On 21 August 2013 the EU Foreign Affairs Council, declaring, that the actions of the Egyptian security forces were disproportionate, announced that EU member states had agreed (a) to suspend licences for export to Egypt of any equipment which might be used for internal repression and (b) to reassess export licences for military equipment and review their security assistance to Egypt. In contrast to most other … 2021-03-12 2013-03-22 2021-03-14 2021-03-12 2021-03-12 EU member countries imposed the sanctions on Mubarak and his family in March 2011 based on lawsuits filed against them in Egypt for alleged embezzlement of state funds.
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EU sanctions regimes concerning Tunisia, Egypt and the Ukraine. 8 Jul 2020 The EU members demanded severe economic sanctions against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan due to his “tyranny, repression of  5 Dec 2020 The family of the late President Mubarak of Egypt may gain a financial windfall after the European Union's highest court scrapped sanctions  EU Egypt Sanctions – Judicial Review. On December 3, 2020, the CJEU delivered its ruling on Joined Cases  22 Mar 2021 The European Union (EU) imposed unilateral sanctions on relevant Chinese individuals and entity on March 22, citing the so-called human  4 Aug 2020 However, the EU imposes sanctions since the spring of 1994, shortly Asset freezes featured prominently in the case of Egypt (C18), where  26 Nov 2020 Calls for US role to calm Mediterranean tensions come during a meeting between Egyptian and Greek leaders in Athens. 11 Nov 2020. Dendias  23 Mar 2020 Council Regulation (EU) 270/2011 (“the Regulation”) imposing financial sanctions against Egypt has been amended. 2.