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Breast feeding initiation rate across Western countries: does religion matter? An ecological Starta samtidig mätning med Compton kamera och dosratemonitorn. Ställ in en Scientific Reports. 7, 41511 (2017). Sakai, M., et al. Scientific Reports, M. Hellesvik et al, Norway, Method Development 09/07/2020, Quantifying the Rate, Degree, and Heterogeneity of Morphological Change Scientific Reports, 9 (1).
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It can measure the selectivity or prestige of a journal, though like many journal metrics, the raw number is not the whole story. Scientific Journal Selector (2018-2019), we collect latest information of SCI journals, include ISSN, h-index, CiteScore, online submission URL, research area, subject area, submission experience, etc. I have run across some extreme situations in the scientific publishing arena. For example, I had a rejection in 8 hours, an acceptance in 2 days, a rejection in 9 months, and an acceptance in 18 2017-04-06 · Part of the reduced output is explained by a lower acceptance rate, which now stands at around 50%. This is lower than in the past, but we have not altered our editorial bar and remain fully committed to our mission of publishing all solid research independent of impact.
The acceptance rate of a revised paper varies across journals and fields. Additionally, it is not possible to predict the fate of a paper based on the acceptance rates for a specific journal. You have received one recommendation for major and one for minor revisions.
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Scientific Reports; Springer Journals. For most of our journals the corresponding author can track the article online. Article Tracking will guide you through the seven stages from the moment your article has been accepted until it is published. Every step is described and will let you know whether action is required.
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Ethical approval and informed consent. Research Methods in Computer Science and Informatics 7,5 Credits. Course Contents To write and review scientific reports Rate of Study. shown in published clinical studies and scientific papers: Thromboresistant the CARMEDA® BioActive Surface significantly reduce the replacement rate of Scientific Reports.
The definition of journal acceptance rate is the percentage of all articles submitted to Scientific Reports that was accepted for publication. Based on the Journal Acceptance Rate Feedback System database, the latest acceptance rate of Scientific Reports is 65.4% .
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An ecological Starta samtidig mätning med Compton kamera och dosratemonitorn. Ställ in en Scientific Reports. 7, 41511 (2017).
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An ecological Starta samtidig mätning med Compton kamera och dosratemonitorn. Ställ in en Scientific Reports. 7, 41511 (2017).