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PsychINFO, and SocINDEX), Informit (A+Education), Elsevier (including EMBASE and SCOPUS), PubMed and Proquest (CBCA Complete). We also searched the reference lists of pu blished and unpublished literature papers, as well as gray literature sources, selected websites, trial re-gistries, and experts in the field of autism to inquire about studies. Save Marked Record Save All Records Save Marked to My Lists: Year Entries 0840354347: Cowstails and cobras II : a guide to games, initiatives, ropes courses & adventure curriculum / by Karl Rohnke. Save Marked Record Save All Records Save Marked to My Lists: Year Entries 0131140884: Activities for integrating science and mathematics / John Eichinger.: 2005 1 0131141368: Electronic devices : electron flow version / Thomas L. Floyd. Show simple item record. Differences in health behaviours between immigrant and non-immigrant groups: a protocol for a systematic review.

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Databases Much has been made in Western culture of the dichotomy between “women's peace” and “men's war.” We can see the importance of this dichotomy in politics, media, education and socialization Youth sexting: challenging victim blaming and abstinence, and exploring the role of privacy and consent 1. Youth Sexting Challenging victim-blaming and abstinence, and exploring the … SocINDEX with Full Text provides comprehensive indexing and abstracts and also full text for "core" journals dating as far back as 1895, and full text coverage of "priority" journals. Also includes full text for books and monographs, and full text for conference papers. Access: Access via Catalogue.

But luckily Melbourne Uni does  Joseph Borlagdan, Brotherhood of St Laurence and University of Melbourne of EBSCOhost, including the following databases: Academic One, SocINDEX,  Jun 21, 2017 preschool years.


Subjects includes adult education, arts education, child & adolescent psychology, child development, cognitive sciences, education policy, educational administration, educational psychology, educational technology, music education and much more. SocINDEX with Full Text (EBSCHOhost) Covers all sub-disciplines of sociology, with topics including professional social work, welfare, economic development, ethnic & racial studies, gender studies, marriage & family, abortion, criminology, demography, religion, rural sociology, social psychology, Fake email warning - in recent days, some staff may have received a fake email from 'vc@unimelb.edu.au'.More advice about this message is available on Yammer.Please delete this email and if you have any further concerns, contact the Service Centre.

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Knowing is social relying significantly on testimony but gendered identity from MULT 1001 at University of Melbourne PsychINFO, SocINDEX, ASSIA and the Cochrane Library were searched in February 2020.
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New York: Perigee Schön 683-728. http://www.jstor.org/stable/204276. Retrieved 26/08/2008. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms the Encyclopedia of Australian Science website (http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/ Melbourne University Press. ISSN 1833-7538 . Hämtad den 7 juni 2018 - via National Center of Biography, Australian National University.