Xarakada Al-Shabaab oo Shalay Xaafada Suuqa Xoolaha
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Somali News. Barnaamijyo Faalooyin Kalamaan Keydka Sawiradda News in English Sports Tafsiir. Wasiirka batroolka ayaa sheegay in Soomaaliya ay dooneyso in ay soo jiidato shirkadaha maalgashiga 2021-04-03 · Al-Shabab fighters attack two Somali National Army bases. Al-Shabab says it launched a suicide attack on the Bariire base while simultaneously attacking the nearby Awdhigle base. Calanka 24 News. Shaaciye Online . Allbanaadir .
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16 Sep The Somali National Army (SNA) released photographs on 3 September showing new tactical vehicles it has received. One photograph showed at least 12 Chinese-made Shaanxi Baoji Special Vehicles Company Tiger 4×4 light armoured vehicles parked in what appeared to be a secure compound in Somalia. 2021-04-12 Sumaliye ( ሱማሊየ ) By Tsion Aseffa (NINI)New Ethiopian Music Official VideoSomali songEthiopian Song© All rights reserved to East African Media .
Somaliskabladet Sweden In Somali, Färögatan 33, Stockholm
A million Somali shillings, about the equivalent of $50, Kala soco BBC News Somali TV, wararka ugu waaweyn ee Soomaaliya iyo caalamka iyo weliba doodo, warar muuqaallo ah iyo falanqeyn dheeraad ah. Isniinta kasta waxaad daawaneysaa wararka ciyaaraha Nagala Soo Xiriira Tel: Visit Somali Guardian for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, multimedia, opinions, long reads, video and featured stories. Somaliguardian, an independent news website provides trusted World, Africa and Somalia news. Dayniile.com is the first Somali News Delivery website.
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16 Sep The Somali National Army (SNA) released photographs on 3 September showing new tactical vehicles it has received. One photograph showed at least 12 Chinese-made Shaanxi Baoji Special Vehicles Company Tiger 4×4 light armoured vehicles parked in what appeared to be a secure compound in Somalia. 2021-04-12 Sumaliye ( ሱማሊየ ) By Tsion Aseffa (NINI)New Ethiopian Music Official VideoSomali songEthiopian Song© All rights reserved to East African Media .
Dhamaan Maamulka iyo Shaqaalaha Shabakadda warbaahinta Shaaciye.com waxaa ay Raali gelin Buuxdo iyo Gelliin ka wada yihiin Dhaliishii Qaldaneyd ku
Aug 7, 2017 Somalia: Puntland President unveils his new cabinet Ministers. Abdikadar Farah Shaaciye - Minister of reconstruction and investment.
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6. War La Helaa Talo La Helaa | Somalis No#1 News Site. Kenya oo war ka soo Radio Risaala, is an independent radio based in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. Radio Risaala FM radio 102.2 MHZ and a website www.radiorisaala.