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I’m particularly engaged in exploring ways of speculating while ‘staying with the trouble’ (Haraway 2016), which includes examining the way Un-disciplinary researcher and educator with a passion for sociomaterial systems thinking, critical theory and speculative approaches. I'm an undisciplined researcher and educator driven by a combination of curiosity and frustration over the state of the world. Project leader for SLU Futures Lab - a novel initative designed to support interdisciplinary exploration of future challenges. Josefin Wangel, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Urban and Rural Development, Faculty Member. Studies Futures Studies and Foresight, Theory Building in Futures Studies, and Design Fiction.
What is on the menu in the lab-meat restaurant? Josefin Wangel, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Urban and Rural Development, Faculty Member. Studies Futures Studies and Foresight, Theory Building in Futures Studies, and Design Fiction. E-mail: Work description: Un-disciplined researcher and teacher on sustainable urban development with a passion for socio-material systems thinking, critical theory and speculative approaches, particularly to explore and address the paradox/oxymoron of sustainable + urban.
i hållbara branscher. Det måste de svenska universiteten göra för att bli trovärdiga i sitt miljöarbete, menar Uppsalaforskaren Josefin Wangel.
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Projektledare för SLU I'm an undisciplined researcher and educator driven by a combination of curiosity and frustration over the state of the world. My research focus on exploring drivers @JosefinWangel. Un-disciplined researcher @_SLU using speculative methods and critical systems thinking to explore urban sustainability. Godhetsknarkare.
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Team: Daniel Norell and Einar Rodhe with flash fiction by Josefin Wangel. Josefin WangelResearcher, Department of Urban and Rural Development, SLU Swedish University of D Pargman, E Eriksson, M Höök, J Tanenbaum, M Pufal, J Wangel T Ringenson, E Eriksson, M Börjesson Rivera, J Wangel. 20 Feb 2020 and Josefin Wangel 3. 1. Nordregio, International Research Centre for Regional Development and Planning, SE-11186 Stockholm,. Sweden. 2.
REPLIK Forskaren Josefin Wangel svarar Ola Söderholm om vår krismedvetenhet. MEST LÄST.
Östra grundskolan blogg
Josefin Wangel.
KTH, Skolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad (ABE), Samhällsplanering och miljö, Miljöstrategisk analys. Skolan för datavetenskap och
De hölls av arkitekterna Josefin Wangel, Rocío Pina, Javier Sánchez Merina och konsthistoriker Halldóra Arnardóttir. I föreläsning av Josefin Wangel förhörde
hälsar vi på stadsodlaren Bella Linde bland squash och rabarber i Stockholm. SLU Urban Futures biträdande programchef Josefin Wangel medverkar också.
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I’m an undisciplined researcher and teacher who uses critical and speculative approaches to explore how a more sustainable and just society could look like, and how to get there. Josefin Wangel Researcher in urban sustainability and Co-Director for SLU Urban Futures. Stockholm, Sweden 500+ connections Josefin Wangel. Contact. Print.