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Ultra Q Reflex - Nd:YAG-laser MikronMed AB
Ultra Q™ is a microsurgical YAG laser designed to perform capsulotomy and iridotomy procedures. The standard Ultra Q™ configuration is designed to perform capsulotomy and iridotomy procedures at lower, more efficient power levels with a reduced risk of lens pitting – making it ideal for use with the latest generation IOLs. Ellex is a leading ophthalmic equipment manufacturer who have a reputation in the wellness field. Ellex Medical's superior ophthalmic lasers enable you to achieve optimum results across a wide spectrum of treatment pathways!
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The Ultra Q also features a custom-designed laser cavity tested to deliver an exceptional lifespan, as well as a fine, two-point focusing system that provides a level of precision other photodisruptors simply cannot achieve. Ellex Ultra Q™ - YAG Laser Ellex Tango Reflex™ - SLT/YAG/Floater Tango Reflex™ combines multiple treatment platforms - SLT for glaucoma, laser vitreolysis for floaters, and capsulotomy and iridotomy treatments - in a single, advanced laser system The Ellex Ultra Q is the ophthalmic industry’s premier YAG laser for capsulotomies and iridotomies. With a firing rate of up to 3 hertz, it is the fastest photodisruptor available. The Ultra Q features a custom-designed laser cavity tested to deliver an exceptional lifespan, as well as a fine, two-point focusing system that provides a level of precision other YAG lasers simply cannot achieve.
The Ultra Q also features a custom-designed laser cavity tested to deliver an exceptional lifespan, as well as a fine, two-point focusing system that provides a level of precision other photodisruptors simply cannot achieve. The Ultra Q Reflex® (Ellex) constitutes the only Nd:YAG laser approved for the treatment of vitreous floaters. No randomized controlled clinical trial has been carried out to this day in order to investigate its superiority over sham treatment.
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Welcome to the official Facebook page of Ellex. Ellex is a global leader in vision-care. Today, more than 35,000 Ellex systems are in use in over 100 Give patients relief from bothersome floaters with the Ultra Q Reflex multi-modality YAG laser from Ellex.
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Transcript Embed. Email; Bookmark > >> Chapters. Introduction; Give patients relief from bothersome floaters with the Ultra Q Reflex multi-modality YAG laser from Ellex. Its coaxial illumination and focusing system makes it ideal for vitreolysis (CPT code 67031). Ellex's Ultra Q Reflex™ is the only YAG laser designed to perform both anterior and posterior YAG treatments, and is ideally suited for the treatment of vitreous strands and opacities. The Ultra Q Reflex’s proprietary slit lamp illumination tower design converges the operator’s vision, Ellex Ultra Q Vitreolysis Yag Laser. Πρόκειται για το μοναδικό παγκοσμίως λέιζερ για την αντιμετώπιση θολεροτήτων ή παχύνσεων του υαλοειδούς που εκδηλώνονται με τη μορφή των ενοχλητικών μυοψιών.
Featuring Ellex’s proprietary Reflex Technology™, Ultra Q Reflex is designed for capsulotomy with new generation IOLs, peripheral iridotomy for glaucoma and YAG laser vitreolysis in the treatment of vitreous strands and opacities. Optimized for anterior and posterior YAG laser treatments.
With more than 20,000 systems installed worldwide, Ellex is known for its superior quality and commitment to customer care. Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2013, Ellex Medical Pty Ltd. Ellex, Ultra Q, Total Solution are trademarks of Ellex Medical Pty Ltd. E&OE.
Using the ELLEX ULTRA-Q: Yag Laser Treatment of Vitreous Floaters My 5 Year Experience James H. Johnson, MD Friday, November 16, 2012 Tweet. Transcript Embed. Email; Bookmark > >> Chapters.
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Today, more than 35,000 Ellex systems are in use in over 100 Ellex solid-state photocoagulators provide safe, predictable and consistent energy delivery through a true, continuous-wave laser beam. Offering superior energy distribution from beginning to end of exposure, and across the full diameter of the treatment spot, each systems delivers consistently better performance in the treatment of retinal disease. The Ultra Q is known for its superior optics, powerful laser cavity, compact design and ease of use. The Reflex is the model designed and patented by Ellex 2 ULTRA Q FROM ELLEX. Technology that puts you in control. CAPSULOTOMY.