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The program might prove to be of good use to people who work in the construction industry and wish to have access to a simple tool specialized in handling IFC, SMV or SMC files. Solibri Model Viewer is free software and is your first step into the collaborative review process. Solibri Model Viewer allows you to open SMC and individual IFC files. Browse the model in 3D, view assigned issues, add comments and open files from your BIM coordinator. It is available for 64 and 32 bit Windows, and Macintosh operating systems.

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Get the trial. Download Latest Version (300 MB) Solibri (formerly Solibri Model Checker) is a quality assurance tool which allows you to check the geometry of your models, compliance with regulations, to combine multiple BIM models into one. With this tool you can view Open Standard IFC files and Solibri Model Checker files. With Solibri Model Viewer the analysis results and presentations can be shared with the whole design team, owner and future users of the building. Solibri Model Viewer brings BIM files from all IFC compatible products available for you in a single environment.

It’s free of charge and allows you to open all Standard IFC and Solibri Model Checker Files. Transparency is given on open issues and challenges. You can share information to save time, money and resources.

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Solibri Product Selection Solibri Screenshot Solibri Model Checker Screenshot. Solibri Model Checker 9.9 and 9.8 (still available) The BCF Connector is available via the Solibri Solution Center > If you can't see the BCF Connector in the Solibri Solution Center (SSC), contact your company-admin for the SSC. He/she needs to assign the rights to you first before you can download. The Archicad-Solibri connection add-on provides fast and automated code- and constructability checking.

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Read about latest BIM news, newest software releases or other current topics. Download Solibri logos or brand guidelines for media purposes.

With BIMcollab you can effortlessly share, communicate and coordinate Solibri model checker results to BIM modeling software like Revit, ARCHICAD, Tekla and more. Gratis solibri herunterladen Hämta programvara UpdateStar - BlueStacks App Player är en programvara som hjälper dig att använda alla dina favorit mobila baserat apps på din Windows-dator. Solibri - certifiering Vi är de enda Solibri certifierade företaget i Sverige som erbjuder kurser och teknisk support! Solibri utfärdar certifiering för sina partners för att säkerställa att en hög kunskap och expertis hos de som utbildar och supporterar i Solibri. Solibri certifierade. Solibri utfärdar certifiering för sina partners för att säkerställa att en hög kunskap och expertis hos de som utbildar och supporterar i Solibri. Kursledaren skall vara väl insatt i teknik och process för att på bästa sätt stötta användarna.
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Login. Get the trial. Try Solibri Office for free for 30 days in our trial. Solibri Office is the Quality Assurance solution for BIM validation, model checking, design review, and clash detection. With Solibri Anywhere, pulling this information directly from the model ensures it’s always up-to-date and at the fingertips of the right people, right when they need it.

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