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Meaning of lobbyist in Swedish english dictionary

For the purposes of the Integrity Act 2009 (Qld), the term 'lobbying' means any attempt to influence the decision- making of  Definition of lobbyist in the dictionary. Meaning of lobbyist. What does lobbyist mean? Information and translations of lobbyist in the most  ANSWER: Representational lobbyists, by definition, receive only reimbursement for expenses for lobbying and no salary, fee, retainer or economic consideration   What is lobbying?

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Lobbying involves the advocacy of an interest that is affected, actually or potentially, by the decisions of government leaders. The Audiopedia Android application, INSTALL NOW - LOBBYIST Meaning: "Events at the National Capital and the Campaign of 1876," Hartford, Conn., 1876] See definitions of lobbyist. What is the definition of LOBBYIST? What is the meaning of LOBBYIST? How do you use LOBBYIST in a sentence?

Lobbyist definition, a person who tries to influence legislation on behalf of a special interest; a member of a lobby. See more. lob•by•ist.

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Lobbying involves the advocacy of an interest that is affected, actually or potentially, by the decisions of government leaders. The Audiopedia Android application, INSTALL NOW - LOBBYIST Meaning: "Events at the National Capital and the Campaign of 1876," Hartford, Conn., 1876] See definitions of lobbyist.

How do you use lobbyist in a sentence? What are synonyms for lobbyist? lobbyist: 1 n someone who is employed to persuade legislators to vote for legislation that favors the lobbyist's employer Type of: inducer , persuader someone who tries to persuade or induce or lead on lobby (n.) 1550s, "cloister, covered walk," from Medieval Latin laubia, lobia "covered walk in a monastery," from a Germanic source (compare Old High German louba "hall, roof;" see lodge (n.)).. Meaning "large entrance hall in a public building" is from 1590s; in reference to the House of Commons from 1630s. lobbyist tamil meaning and more example for lobbyist will be given in tamil. The top lobbyist for Preston Gates Ellis and Greenberg Traurig firms in the United States has hit headlines pleading guilty in a bid to get a reduced punishment.
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The term lobbyist has been traced to the mid-seventeenth century, when citizens would gather in a large lobby near the English House of Commons to express their views to members of Parliament.

working as a lobbyist.
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A person employed to influence legislators or other public officials in favor of a specific cause. lob′by·ism n. 2017-10-18 2020-01-15 lobbying definition: the activity of trying to persuade someone in authority, usually an elected member of a government…. Learn more. Lobbying. The process of influencing public and government policy at all levels: federal, state, and local.