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Girolamo Savonarola -

Girolamo Savonarola (21 Eylül, 1452 – 23 Mayıs 1498) Dominiken din adamı ve Floransa kentinin 1494-1498 yılları arasındaki hükümdarıydı. Rönesans karşıtı vaazları, günah olarak gördüğü kitap ve sanat eserlerini yaktırmasıyla tanınır. Çok dindar bir Katolik olmasına rağmen, din adamlarının görevlerini kötüye kullanmalarını eleştirmesi açısından Martin After Savonarola's meeting with a firey stake Machiavelli begins his noted opposite of Girolamo Savonarola in the domain of political survival. I will argue that Niccolò Machiavelli's work bears the mark of the Savonarolan moment. Girolamo Savonarola (1452–1498) was at the center of this apocalyptic  -Machiavelli: The Prince, Chap. 6. The figure of girolamo Savonarola has perplexed the imagination of historians since his death at the stake in 1498 in his   The Machiavelli itinerary starts under the sign of Girolamo Savonarola, from his seat in San Marco, since the friar represents a basic reference point for Machiavelli.

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Both Florentines, both contemporaries. After Savonarola's meeting with a firey stake Machiavelli begins his noted career in office of the government of the republic of Florence. Both these individuals were noted for the views on the republic. The republic that succeeded the Medici in 1492 was a peculiar political institution, having apocalyptic religious fervor as its driving force. Its leader was Girolamo Savonarola (1452-1498), a friar of the Dominican order who had come to Florence as a preacher in 1481.

Savonarola : En munkhistoria berättad av Messer Guidantonio Vespucci - Häftad från 1490-talets Florens och historiska personer som Niccolò Machiavelli och Lorenzo di Medici omnämns.

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Band 68). Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Massachusetts) 2015, ISBN 978-0-674-05498-1 (lateinischer Text und englische Übersetzung von sieben Briefen Girolamos sowie seiner Schriften Apologeticum fratrum Congregationis Sancti Marci und De veritate prophetica Dyalogus ) Girolamo Savonarola Italiaans:; 21 September 1452 – 23 Mei 1498 was 'n Italiaanse Dominikaanse frater uit Ferrara.

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. . with thick red lips and an immense hooked nose." His hair chestnut, his eyes grayish-blue, he bore an intensity and affected a much larger weight of presence than suggested by his unremarkable stature. 1498. After Savonarola's death, his child followers are determined to avenge 'Padre Girolamo' and carry on his work. Overpowered by sheer strength of numbers, Micheletto is the unlucky victim of their fanaticism and brutality.

Przez Kościół katolicki uznany za heretyka i schizmatyka, skazany na śmierć przez powieszenie a następnie spalony na stosie. W połowie XVIII wieku przez papieża Benedykta XIV wymieniony w indeksie „błogosławionych sług Bożych i mężów czcigodnych i znakomitych świętością”. Bohater wiary wielu wspólnot protestanckich, święty Kościoła anglikańskiego i mariawickiego.
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Se hela listan på Girolamo Savonarola was a controversial figure in the late 1400s. Savonarola, through divine visions, would predict the coming of a great tyrant that sought to ruin Florence. King Charles VIII of France would be that tyrant and Savonarola a hero for convincing the king to leave Florence undisturbed.

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Florens - - Wikipedia languages

Bild av slughet - 56367032. including Girolamo Savonarola, Piero di Cosimo and Niccolò Machiavelli, Eliot's day and the Republic of Florence ruled by Savonarola, most famous for its  För även folket verkar läst Machiavelli en smula: Detta har … i vår tid hänt fra Girolamo Savonarola, som med sina nyordningar bringades på fal, så snart  Storia di Girolamo Savonarola e de' suoi tempi (2 bd, 1859–61) och Niccoló Machiavelli e i suoi tempi (3bd, 1877–81). Vidare må nämnas Antiche leggende e  av den fanatiske dominkanermunken Girolamo Savonarola som under Bruni och Machiavelli skrev han inte något ovedersägligt storverk.