The Foodhackathon By Krinova - kolla! 2016

Krinova Food. The food industry and primary production sector are dominant in Kristianstad and northeast Skåne, which is why Krinova is Sweden’s only Incubator & Science Park with food as a profile. The food community connected to Krinova includes 1000 SME-scale food businesses. Other partners are players in the agriculture, landscaping and food processing industries, the Swedish Food Federation, Krinova Incubator & Science Park, the Swedish Federation of Green Employers, Naturbruksskolornas Förening, and the Swedish Public Employment Service.

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clock. 15 mar 2019 kl. 10:00–17 mar 2019 kl. 15:00 UTC+01.

Foto: Precious People.

Första pris till förpackning av äppelrester - Recycling

Are you passionate about the more sustainable future of food? Then join us!The Food Hack is a 48hour long innovation competition and food conference for the global food community initiated by Krinova Incubator & Science Park. Next hack will be in Autumn 2021.

Foodhack på Krinova – nu även i Köpenhamn

Vinnare blev laget bakom konceptet Peecycling där urin istället Food Hack by Krinova har 524 medlemmar. Group for those who are interested in the food hack. More info at Krinova Incubator & Science Park Följ Krinova Incubator & Science Park Krinova organises Food Hack 2019 with the Swedish research council Formas Pressmeddelande • Okt 30, 2018 17:47 CET Krinova is Sweden’s oldest and largest incubator for food and food related companies and Krinova has also created a good international reputation for Krinova's work to help build innovation environments with a food focus in other countries. Challenge driven and open innovation. 2017-02-13 The Food Hack is a 48hour long innovation competition and food conference for the global food community initiated by Krinova & the research council for sustainable development - Formas.This year’s theme is “A Healthier Planet” we set out to tackle challenges related to the sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda. See the film about eat:em, one of the winning team from The Food Hackathon by Krinova 2016. 2018-10-30 17:47 CET Krinova organises Food Hack 2019 with the Swedish research council Formas The Swedish research council Formas, which funds sustainable development research, will be the co This has been done as part of the two-year project ′′ Future sustainable food production in collaboration ′′ that Krinova operated together with LRF Skåne and financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

The upcoming Food Hack, which runs from 15–17 March 2019, marks the fifth year that Krinova organises the innovation competition. The last Food Hack attracted participants from more than 25 48 hour innovation competition to plant seeds for innovation in the food industry. Krinova Incubator & Science Park, Kristianstad. 1 466 gillar · 55 pratar om detta · 2 083 har varit här. Krinova Incubator & Science Park Alfred Nobel Science Park.
Danska till svenska kronor

I helgen hölls innovationstävlingen Greater CPH Food Hack på Krinova Incubator & Science Park.Över 70 deltagare från mer än 25 olika länder deltog. Hela helgen har deltagarna spenderat med Vinnaren av innovationstävlingen Food Hack by Krinova & Formas 2019 blev Peecycling. I andan av sann cirkulär ekonomi presenterade de en lösning där näringsämnen i urin tas till vara för att öka livsmedelsproduktionen.

Tillsammans med Kristianstad kommun äger Högskolan Kristianstad, via Högskolan Kristianstad Holding AB, Krinova Incubator & Science Park. Krinova Incubator & Science Park.
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Den uppkopplade maten temat för Food Hackathon by Krinova Fast

At the hack 2019 you could find out what personalized food really is and how it’s evolving, how insects will turn into human food as well as our own urine will grow our vegetable. När Food Hack går av stapeln 15 – 17 mars 2019 blir det femte året som Krinova arrangerar innovationstävlingen, det senaste hacket lockade deltagare från mer än 25 länder.