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Define the 7 Habits of Effective Managers Managing Yourself Realize the Importance of Managing “from the Inside Out”—of Examining Personal Character Recognize That Only Managers Who Manage Themselves Will Earn the Trust of Their Teams Appreciate That Habits 1, 2, and 3 Are Key to Effective Self-Management Torrent-AMA Management Centre, Core-AMA Management House, ATIRA Campus, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Marg, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015 Email: ama@amaindia.org Telephone: 079 – 26308601-2-3-4-5 Mobile: 9537407187, 7203030990 The 7 Habits for Managers: Managing Yourself, Leading Others, Unleashing Potential (Franklin Covey Box Set, Includes: 1 Audio CD, 1 CD-Rom E-Tools, 1 Managing Essentials Guidebook, 1 Work Matters 7 Habits Maximizer, and Spiral Guidebook Managing Yourself, Leading Others, Unleashing Potential) Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw® • Build Motivation, Energy and Work Life Balance By Making Time for Renewal Activities • Achieve Life Balance • Integrate Continuous Improvement and Learning into Your Life • Build Capacity to Practice the 7 Habits Identify the Key Principles of Effectiveness in Which the 7 Habits Are Rooted; Assess Your Paradigms, and Adopt Paradigms of Effectiveness; Identify Areas of Your Work and Personal Lives in Which You Can Apply the 7 Habits; Habit 1: Be Proactive® Take the Initiative to Focus on Things You Can Influence, Instead of Focusing on Things You Cannot All course faculty are trained experts in FranklinCovey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People® curriculum. Dr. Stephen R. Covey is a globally respected leadership authority. His international best-seller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People® was named one of the 10 most influential management books ever by Forbes magazine. Be Proactive.
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Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. An excellent follow up to the learning received in the 24 Plus program covering basic supervision and City processes; 7 Habits for Managers integrates the habits of human effectiveness popularized by Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s best-selling book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and will explore concrete easy-to-use models to improve self and team management. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People® Signature Edition 4.0 program is based on the teachings of Dr. Stephen R. Covey. No matter how capable a person you are, you will not have sustained and lasting success unless you are able to effectively lead yourself, influence, engage, and collaborate with others—and continuously improve and renew your capabilities.
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