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The Writer's Tale - The Final Chapter. Retrieved from " https://tardis.fandom. DOCTOR / COMPANIONS: ISBN: Doctor Who and the Vortex Crystal (1) William H. Keith, Jr. 4th Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith: 0 931787 67 X: Doctor Who and the Rebel's Gamble (1) William H. Keith, Jr. 6th Doctor and Peri: 0 931787 68 8: Search for the Doctor (2) David Martin: 6th Doctor, Drax and K-9: 0 7278 2087 7: Crisis in Space (2) Michael Holt: 6th Doctor, Turlough and Peri The Doctor Who Reference Guide is down. Misc. Anyone know who runs the site, and can maybe get in touch with them?

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Note: Where possible there are clips, but some of them will have to be links. Doctor Who analysis books. Articles within this category are books that provide analysis or breakdown of Doctor Who stories. These books can take the form of detailed programme guides such as About Time, media analyses such as Doctor Who: The Unfolding Text or running commentary and analysis such as Running Through Corridors . Following her home one night after school, they discover she lives in a strange junkyard. And in a corner of this junkyard is a police box. Their investigations are disturbed by a mysterious old man who emerges out of the London fog and moves toward the police box.

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Black Orchid is the fifth serial of the 19th season of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast on BBC1 on 1 and 2 March 1982.. The serial is set in an English estate in 1925.

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Condition: regulations or reference guide supplied with your product. Protect your  Genius test the complete guide to genius : coul . Omslagsbild: Doctor Who - the encyclopedia av The regions of Germany a reference guide to his .

As Doctor Who fans, we all love the in-jokes and references that only a die-hard fan would Doctor Who analysis books. Articles within this category are books that provide analysis or breakdown of Doctor Who stories. These books can take the form of detailed programme guides such as About Time, media analyses such as Doctor Who: The Unfolding Text or running commentary and analysis such as Running Through Corridors . 2004-06-19 1st Doctor, 2nd Doctor, 3rd Doctor, Jo Grant: N/A: Carnival of Monsters (2) Gabriel Woolf: 3rd Doctor and Jo Grant: N/A: Planet of the Daleks (1) Jon Pertwee: 3rd Doctor and Jo Grant: 0 563 38826 9: Terror of the Zygons (2) Gabriel Woolf: 4th Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith and Harry Sullivan: N/A: State of Decay (3) Tom Baker: 4th Doctor, Romana and Adric: N/A: Kinda (1) Peter Davison 2020-08-09 From the very first episode guides compiled by Doctor Who story editors for their colleagues in the 1960s, to the fanzines of the 1970s, the first authorised books based on the show and the wide variety of publications available today – this is the story of how successive generations of fans and historians have referenced the Doctor.
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“I shall make you the jewel at the heart of the universe.” Something distinctly odd is going on in Arbroath. The initial "miracle" of identifying a randomly chosen card uses the 3 of Clubs – a reference to Penn & Teller's favorite card to use in such tricks. This is the first time that Frobisher, a companion that appears in the comic strips of Doctor Who Magazine, is portrayed in an audio adventure. 2014-09-24 2005-03-26 A guide listing the titles AND air dates for episodes of the TV series Doctor Who (2005). 2011-09-16 2013-12-22 · 8th Doctor Big Finish Theme. Scream of the Shalka Theme.