National Quality Registry for Caries and Periodontitis


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White. Photo about level, care, isolated,  Figure 3.35: Active carious lesion with large cavity extending deep into dentin. Figure 3.36: Arrested occlusal caries lesion. The partly undermined enamel margins  Dental Caries. Karies. Svensk definition.

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In this highly anticipated new edition, the editors maintain the same focus on high-level coverage of the disease etiology and process, clinical management best-practice, and wider public health issues connected with dental caries management, including an enhanced focus Karies, hål i tänderna, eller tandröta, är en infektionssjukdom som orsakas av olika bakterier, främst Streptococcus mutans och laktobaciller, och ett symptom på samma sjukdom. Bakterierna, som normalt lever i munhålan, orsakar lokala angrepp på tandytan genom produktion av en svag syra, mjölksyra, som i sin tur reducerar pH-värdet, vilket resulterar i att emaljen demineraliseras. Obehandlad karies kan leda till kaviteter, "hål i tänderna", som i förlängningen kan caries. progressive decay of a bone or tooth. Dental caries is often caused by bacterial action on sugary foods and sweets, producing acids that destroy tooth enamel. fluoride in the water supply is protective.

La caries es un proceso infeccioso en el que varios microorganismos de la placa dentobacteriana como Streptococcus mutans y Lactobacillus acidophilus producen ácidos que atacan principalmente el componente inorgánico del esmalte dental y provocan su desmineralización. Significant Caries Index (SiC) A detailed analysis of the caries situation in many countries show that there is a skewed distribution of caries prevalence - meaning that a proportion of 12-year-olds still has high or even very high DMFT values even though a proportion is totally caries free.

Ny rapport från AACD:Effectively Treating Dental Caries: 20

They are very common and can lead to serious morbidity. Clinical presentation.

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fluoride in the water supply is protective. Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005. Se hela listan på Caries, cavity or decay of a tooth, a localized disease that begins at the surface of the tooth and may progress through the dentine into the pulp cavity.

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Photo about level, care, isolated,  Figure 3.35: Active carious lesion with large cavity extending deep into dentin. Figure 3.36: Arrested occlusal caries lesion. The partly undermined enamel margins  Dental Caries. Karies. Svensk definition.

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Nouveau Dictionaire François-Suedois et Suedois-François.-En

Overview . Dental caries is a major public health problem globally and is the most widespread noncommunicable disease (NCD). It is also the most prevalent condition included in the 2015 Global Burden of Disease Study, ranking first for decay of permanent teeth (2.3 billion people) and 12th for deciduous teeth (560 million children). Dental Caries 1.