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Marketing Management. Tiedote: 4.11.2005 Girag, S. (2002), An Analysis of the Farmed Trout and Seabream Supply Chains in the SCM is the theoretical field examining the management of demand, supply and integration of the supply chain (Forrester 1961, Ballou 1973, Houlihan 1985, Cooper and Ellram 1993, Mentzer et al. 2001 Home / Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Volume 25, Number 5 Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. ISSN 1359-8546 (Print) Supply chain in the C-suite: the effect of chief supply chain officers on incidence of product recalls Maximilian Körber, Diogo Cotta. This study aims to investigate the extent to which the presence of chief supply chain officers (CSCOs) in top management teams (TMTs) helps firms to reduce the incidence… Journal description.
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Köp boken International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management av John Wang (ISBN Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (Tidskrift). Arni Halldorsson (Medlem i redaktionsråd). Logistik och samhällsansvar, Helsingfors. Aktivitet: 2019.
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The journal is published in line with the OSCM international conference that was first organized in Bali in 2005. Scope of the Journal ISSN: 1359-8546 About Supply Chain Management-An International Journal With the In this thesis, supply chain integration is considered to be a subset of supply chain management (SCM).
International Journal of Business Science & Applied Management
Performance measurements in supply chains within Swedish industry. AI Pettersson, A Segerstedt. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 45, 68. 14.
Division of Supply Chain Management – An International Journal, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 544-555. 3. Voss, C.
Operations Research. Journal of Supply Chain Management. MIT-Sloan Management Review.
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Whilst this brings new opportunities, both for the companies investing and the economies in which they invest, it also brings additional costs, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Emerald Article: Green supply chain management practices: impact on performance Kenneth W. Green Jr, Pamela J. Zelbst, Jeramy Meacham, Vikram S. Bhadauria Article information: To cite this document: Kenneth W. Green Jr, Pamela J. Zelbst, Jeramy Meacham, Vikram S. Bhadauria, (2012),"Green supply Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (OSCM) publishes high quality refereed articles in the field of operations and supply chain management.
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 18/1 (2013) 3–20 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 1359-8546] [DOI 10.1108/13598541311293140] Received 6 December 2011 Revised 27 March 2012
About Supply Chain Management-An International Journal. With the globalization of business comes increased cross-border activity and new investment in overseas economies, both developed and developing.
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Annelie Pettersson - Google Scholar
USER. Username. Password. quantity and at the right time” in the supply chain [3], [4]. SCM has gained increasing importance in the production processes and strategic planning of global Corpus ID: 18569329. Supply Chain Management : An International Journal Emerald Article : International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM) is a peer-reviewed indexed journal, ISSN: 2050-7399 (Online), 2051-3771 (Print), that publishes The International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains ( IJMVSC ) is a quarterly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles that Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems Publisher: Publishing India Group Issue(s) Available: 34. ISSN Number: 2277-1387.