PREMISES - svensk översättning - engelskt-svenskt


On-premises IDG:s ordlista - IT-ord

If you are interested in renting a premise and want to know which objects are available, please  Fault report - premises. Property owners must always be contacted when there are urgent problems that must be remedied immediately and  Looking for local? Offentliga Hus' properties are managed by Nordic PM. To view and search for vacant premises, visit Nordic PM's website:  Premises. Kårlokalen. Kårlokalen “Skansen” is in the ground floor of a residential building in Lauttasaari at the address North Svängen 18, 00200 Helsinki.

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[citation needed] premises, a tract of land including its buildings. a building together with its grounds or other appurtenances. the property forming the subject of a conveyance or bequest. premise {substantiv} premiss {utr.} The Union’ s basic premise, peace and stability in Europe, is still relevant. expand_more Unionens grundläggande premiss, fred och stabilitet i Europa, är fortfarande relevant. The Union’s basic premise, peace and stability in Europe, is still relevant.

Välj. Book premises as employee Book premises in TimeEdit Overview Examination halls. Campus Flemingsberg.

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– Uttrycket syftar på it‑system som körs på bestämd hårdvara på en bestämd plats, till skillnad från i molnet. Van­ligt­vis i ägarens lokaler. Premises The noun "premises" describes a house or a building.

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Buildings and premises. This page contains the policies, rules and plans that apply to the whole university regarding buildings and premises. Decisions are  Integrering. Installation och systemkrav. Consignor On-premises är den Windows/SQL-baserade versionen av Consignor som installeras i din  Read more about our properties and see our available premises here. Location.

Alcohol is forbidden on these premises. Find 28 ways to say PREMISES, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Synonyms of premise. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 something taken as being true or factual and used as a starting point for a course of action or reasoning. your conclusion is all wrong because you started out with a false premise. Synonyms for premise.
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a building together with its grounds or other appurtenances. the property forming the subject of a conveyance or bequest. Premises The noun "premises" describes a house or a building. It usually refers to a building that is occupied by a company or an organization.
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The exact premises may be important in determining if an outbuilding (shed, cabana, detached garage) is insured or whether a person accused of burglary has actually entered a structure. 2007-02-09 · Premises is an area of land, including any buildings that might be on it, so on is used. If no smoking is allowed in the building, you might be able to go outside to smoke.