Sydafrika - Magistrate's court South Africa -

ATTENTION: County Employees, Power has been restored to all of Houston County Government … Court can be stressful. Preparing yourself before your hearing date can help with your court experience. Going to court. Get help.

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Plea: Denies The Magistrates Court of Frankfort DOES operate as an Equality Court! Equality Courts have been set up to help someone who believes that they have suffered unfair discrimination, hate speech or harassment. These courts make sure that it is easy for someone with such a case to bring their case to the court and that the issue is finalised quickly. MAGISTRATES COURT CODES Gazette Reference Process Ref Key Name Amount Scale A <= 7,000 Scale B <=50,000 Scale C <=200,000 Scale D >200,000 Scale Exceptions A - Part I - 08 100 Drawing of documents R27 A - Part I - 08 101 Necessary service R17 A - Part I - 11 102 Perusing documents R10 A - Part I - 11 103 Copying charge R4 A - Part I - 11 211 Belen Magistrate Court, Belen, New Mexico. 323 likes · 9 talking about this · 225 were here. Belen Magistrate Court hears traffic, misdemeanor and civil cases under $10,000.

Two fully functional offices are located at the Pretoria High Court and Magistrate's Court to assist Attorneys and members of the public.

Magistrate Court. Address: Chuenespoort, Lebowakgomo, 0745, South Africa. City of Limpopo. ,Private Bag X05, Chuenespoort, Lebowakgomo, 0745.


These courts make sure that it is easy for someone with such a case to bring their case to the court and that the issue is finalised quickly. Praktiseer Magistrate's Court, located at X1013 Private Bag, Burgersfort.

Home - South Africa - Limpopo - Bolobedu Magistrates Court. Bolobedu Magistrates Court Limpopo, South Africa. Magistrate Court Praktiseer praktiseer, 1150 Every magistrate's court is vested with original criminal jurisdiction (other than in respect of offences upon indictment in the High Court), and is ordinarily empowered to impose sentences up to a fine of Rs. 1,500 and/or 2 years rigorous/simple imprisonment unless power is vested in the Magistrate's Court to impose higher penalties by special provision. Live Court Listings delivering lists to the legal profession.
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They are the courts of first instance for most criminal cases except for the most serious crimes, and for civil cases where the value of the claim is below a fixed monetary limit.

bannersmaller5.jpg  To help you find the courts in your area there are also links to maps for Magistrate's Courts in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, North West and Limpopo. Ngoepe says the suspects, aged between 18 and 51 will appear before the Praktiseer Magistrate Court soon and more arrests are expected. The Acting  Alverton [LP], Tubatse, Burgersfort Main Seat, Praktiseer Magistrate Court, Burgersfort Branch Court, Leboeng Periodical Court, Mecklenburg Branch Court,   14 Mar 2021 The alleged assailant was released on R2,000 bail by the Praktiseer magistrate's court on January 7.
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Sydafrika - Magistrate's court South Africa -

About. News. Bench Welcome for Her Honour MAGISTRATES’ COURTS ACT 32 OF 1944 TABLE OF CONTENTS RULES OF COURT GNR.1108 of 21 June 1968 Rules of Court TARIFF OF ALLOWANCES GNR.525 of 21 March 1986 Tariff of allowances payable to witnesses in civil cases NOTICES GNR.1411 of 30 October 1998 Determination of amounts for the purposes of certain provisions of the Act Magistrate Court. Contact the County Courts. Physical Address View Map 1406 Troy H Lagrone Drive Denton, TX 76205. Directions.