holism - definition - Swedish - Glosbe Dictionary
The Swedish National Innovation Council: Innovation policy
15 Aug 2020 In anthropology holism tries to integrate all that is known about human beings and their activities. From a holistic perspective, attempts to divide 3 Jun 2017 For example, Orem's (1985) theories concerning self-care or Neuman's (1995) systems model address the different systems involved in people's Orman Quine (1951) showed what he regarded as the implication of holism. and underdetermination in a famous example in which a speaker Example sentences with "holism", translation memory. add example. sv Eftersom det inte finns någon övre gräns för antalet uttryck som måste tas hänsyn till, Example sentences with "holism", translation memory till viss utsträckning, men bara efter det att de hade blivit rensade från sin holism och funktionalism och Définitions de Complementary holism, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de The Gaia hypothesis is an example of holism applied in ecological theory .[ 123 ] A scientific theories ever which also raises many philosophically central questions, for example concerning causality, realism and holism.
Kant, Nietzsche, and Vaihinger's thought. 7 Oct 2011 Wundt for example broke down conscious experiences into their basic parts of images, sensations and feelings. See http://www.simplypsychology 30 Sep 2013 For example, the war that almost broke out between the United The theory of the human person consists of dualism, materialism, and holism. 14 Jan 2016 For example, psychologists have spent decades trying to explain consciousness through a study of the molecular structure of brain tissue, but Nevertheless, the examples above indicate that holism today is to do with Methodological individualism is often contrasted with methodological holism and (for example: organisms).
lised holism that had drawn her to Ayurvedic counselling: “P: I have also Allt tillhör allt.
God Pro Nobis: On Non-metaphysical Realism and the
For example, a universal brand image across all countries, including everything from advertising styles to the stationery the company has made, to the company colours. Examples of holism can be found throughout human history and in the most diverse socio-cultural contexts, as has been confirmed by many ethnological studies.
Research by this author [1] suggests that the more inclusive the definition of holism (of components involved and relationships considered) the boarder and more inclusive is the practice. If for example, The concept of holism is widely appealed to in nursing literature. Furthermore, it seems universally paraded as a ‘good thing’.
14 Jan 2016 For example, psychologists have spent decades trying to explain consciousness through a study of the molecular structure of brain tissue, but
Nevertheless, the examples above indicate that holism today is to do with Methodological individualism is often contrasted with methodological holism and
(for example: organisms). No wonder that the theory of complex dynamic systems , in which cause-and-effect connections are non-linear (for instance.
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Another example of biological reductionism is aggression – e.g.
Biological reductionists
Holism incorporates the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and The term is from the Greek, holos, meaning whole, and was coined by Jan Smuts in his book, Holism and Evolution.
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Complementary holism : définition de Complementary holism
A holistic brand (also holistic branding) is considering the entire brand or image of the company. For example, a universal brand image across all countries, including everything from advertising styles to the stationery the company has made, to the company colours. Examples of holism can be found throughout human history and in the most diverse socio-cultural contexts, as has been confirmed by many ethnological studies. There are many cases where emergent properties can be observed. What is most interesting to us here, however, is the level of similarity between Holism and Emergence. For example, Baas & Emmeche (1997) comment that : “As we see it here emergence is just the same as holism. An emergent structure is a holistic structure.